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Materialempfehlungen Bälle, Schläger .... wie sind Eure Erfahrungen? Welche Bälle empfehlt Ihr anderen Spielern, oder welche Bälle findet Ihr nicht so dolle? Hier können natürlich auch Fragen zu Bällen und Schlägern gepostet werden.

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Alt 11.02.2013, 22:49
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard question about Holle Des Nordens ...

I open a new thread about this ball : has anybody else noticed that the rohling ( KR ) is much " langsam " than the KL ??
my KR has around 10 cm. of jump less than the KL ...
this is quite strange as usually 3D rohlings are faster than the lacquered version ..
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Alt 11.02.2013, 23:37
Benutzerbild von pinkydiver
pinkydiver pinkydiver ist offline
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.508

Thats not unusual because oxygen has contact with the ball's material and chemical reaction may be forced, some balls are getting softer and slower like Balla Balla 5+6 or Gipfelstürmer, and some only slow down like Hölle des Nordens, BoF Czerwek 2004. But also my laquered balls of the two balls mentioned are so slow that I can't play them on pipes (concrete course) as I did some years ago.

Das Leben ist zu kurz, um hindurch zu rasen, wenn man nicht manchmal stehen bleibt und sich umschaut, könnte man es verpassen.
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Alt 12.02.2013, 10:35
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard holle des nordens

thanks !
this is very interesting : my HDN KL has the same salto of the KX ( the jump is almost the same of the Pretzer ) while the KR is much slower.
so we have two different situations with 3D balls :
1) fast balls rohling ( like K.Otto , Kobisch .... ) with KR much faster than KX and KL even when the balls is brand new : the difference I have noticed in these balls is around 8-10 cm.
2) some rohling balls that become slower after years ( like HDN and others ).
some of the gummi components must be really " unstabil " !
in any case the HDN is a very good ball : I bought 2 KL and in 2006 I changed one with a superfast 085 blau ..

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Alt 12.02.2013, 15:41
Benutzerbild von pinkydiver
pinkydiver pinkydiver ist offline
Moderator Bälle, Material
Registriert seit: 20.12.2006
Ort: Hessen
Beiträge: 18.508

The reason that KR fast balls have a higher jump than KL, KX version, is the laquer.
The laquer reduces the elasticity of the ball, if You remove the laquer of a brand new KL it will be as fast as the original KR
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um hindurch zu rasen, wenn man nicht manchmal stehen bleibt und sich umschaut, könnte man es verpassen.
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Alt 12.02.2013, 17:43
marci marci ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
Beiträge: 161
Standard mmmmhhhh...

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The reason that KR fast balls have a higher jump than KL, KX version, is the laquer.
The laquer reduces the elasticity of the ball, if You remove the laquer of a brand new KL it will be as fast as the original KR
I partially agree with you : normally there is a small difference ( also in old balls ) but with these 3D balls :
1) the difference is very big : as I have written before even 8-10 cm, in balls with S in the range of 55-65 cm.) but also with soft but slower balls like the Bof Porta 2006 the difference is outstanding.
2) moreover I have painted a couple of these fast and soft balls and after .. the jump almost remains the same.. maybe just only 1 cm. less than the KR ..
in any case this is a very involving subject.
I will try also with the Isselmann .. LLOOLLLLL
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